Naas Hockey Club

Founded 1881



This Code of Conduct has been adopted by Naas Hockey Club with the purpose of instilling a sense of pride and respect for others in the way our members across both the senior and junior clubs, all coaches and supporters conduct themselves, both on and off the pitch. Members, coaches, parents and supporters are ambassadors for Naas Hockey Club and, as such, will not, by word or action, do anything that will harm the reputation of the Club, indeed within the spirit of Naas Hockey Club actions should, if anything, enhance the reputation of the Club. 


Al club members are expected to behave in an appropriate and sporting manner. The following standard of behaviour is expected by all as they apply to members, players and supporters of Naas Hockey Club: 

1. Conduct oneself in a manner that takes all reasonable measures to protect one’s own safety and the safety of others. 

2. Never use foul or abusive language or gestures. 

3. Violent conduct, including misuse of the stick, is not acceptable. 

4. Never use physical abuse or threatening or intimidating behaviour. 

5. Respect the spirit of fair play. 

6. Respect the rights of others, including umpires, officials, team management, other players and spectators. 

7. Be ethical, considerate, fair and honest and promote the reputation of hockey and take all possible steps to prevent it from being brought into disrepute. 

8. Never approach or confront an umpire or technical official within the 20-minute cool-off period following the end of the match. It is not permitted that anyone on or off the pitch behave in an inappropriate or unwelcomed manner, nor argue/question decisions made during the match. 

9. Players must always respect the decision of the umpire and must not show dissent. The Captain of the team playing is the only member of the team who may discuss decisions with the umpire. 

10. Abide by the Code of Ethics and other good practice guidelines and policies issued by Hockey Ireland and Leinster. 

11. As a Club we commit to the core values of the game of hockey and sport in general; respect, inclusivity and integrity, and we expect all those associated with the Club to behave in a manner that avoids bringing hockey in any way into disrepute. Failure to abide by these minimum standards will be dealt with appropriately by Naas Hockey Club and may result in sanctions or expulsion from the Club.

 Naas Hockey Club July 2022

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